Thanks Scooter, I got my name, and thanks so much for all the effort you are putting into this. It is so much fun.
Now for the hard part.......what do I like???????????
I like to be surprised. I love Christmas.
I'm 47, female, wife, grandmother of five, live in the KY, I'm not a girly girl (wish I were).
---Anything hand made with love.
---I like candles any flavour (not too fond of vanilla)
---Favorite colors, blue, green, red. Least favorite colors purple, yellow, orange, brown.
---Anything Christmas nick nacky.
---I love Snowmen. I am working on a tree full of snowman orniments. An oriment from your town would be nice.
---I collect porcelain or resin carosell horses.
---I like country music, celtic music, soothing music, Christmas carols. (Not rock)
---I like self help or self improvement books. I would like to read C.O.C.
I hope this helps my secret santa alittle. I'm so excited.
I'm off to go shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!